jeudi 23 février 2012

Pièce montée

Pièce Montée façon Lili Scratchy!
Part mounted manner Lili Scratchy!
(sorry for the strange translation...)

6 commentaires:

ilaria a dit…

stunning and amazing;))) why whyyyyyy your shop is closed??? ;___;

lili scratchy a dit…

Sorryyyyyyy Ilaria, my shop is closed because I need to keep my pieces for a next exhibition in May in Genève.
I can't do enough pieces ....!!!!
that's the trouble with the unique piece.

Kim Baise a dit…

this kitty is lovely <3
congratulations on the art show! i hope someday you will have a show in los angeles ;)

lili scratchy a dit…

Hello Kim,
I hope too...

prentje a dit…

O my, this should be exposed in a museum. Love it, love it.

marion a dit…

ça donne envie d'avoir une aussi chouette pièce montée chez soi

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