mercredi 2 mars 2011

Happy Birthday dear Oly !

Cartes de Oly
Oly's cards

Cartes d'Axel
Axel's cards

Quelle chance d'avoir Oly avec nous le jour
de son anniversaire !!
Surtout qu'avec Axel, ils nous ont apporté un
véritable trésor...!! Une boîte remplie de jouets, badges
porte-clefs...bref, c'était l'hystérie !!!
Encore un grand merci à vous 2.
How lucky we were to have with us Oly
for her birthday!
With Axel
, they have given us
treasure ...!! A box full of toys, badges
keychain ... well, it was hysterical!
Another big thank you to you 2.

2 commentaires:

o l y a dit…

on the metro of our way back to axel's aunt's place, we kept on saying how wonderful and great it was to have visit you and the kids, how the time staying there with you all gave us so much positive and happy power, so merci merci merci beaucoup to all of you for every every everything !!!!!!!!

we're very looking forward to make surprise gift box for you and the kids, and see you all soon again !

( hug )


misako mimoko a dit…

what a great party and cute surprises!!
always fun and good vibes chez Lili!! :D

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