mercredi 27 janvier 2010


Je ne sais pas vous,mais moi le froid ça me rend toute raplapla...
I don't know for you,but me, when it's cold I'm like a vegetable...

Alors je fais des dessins pour me donner du tonus
(et aussi je mange des gâteaux!!).
Then I make some drawings to get energize
(and I eat cake!).

3 commentaires:

o l y a dit…

lili lili,,

oui oui it's sooo cooold today so we jump to grande galerie de i'evolution of museum national d'histoire naturelle !!!!! it's super super super fantastic !!!!!!

have you and your little boy and girls go and visit there yet ?

oh oh and, i have a bottle of chinese ink and some chinese brushes wanna give you, what shall i do ?


suprlipopette a dit…

On dirait que le froid ça a du bon...;-))

Cookie Cutter a dit…

I love what you wrote for this post! It's so cute. When I'm cold, I just sit and not move. My hubby says it's the first sign of dying from cold. Haha!

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